Topcon KR 8800 Autorefractor (+Karometer)




One multifunctional auto kerato-refractometer performs objective refracting power measurement, cornea curvature radius measurement and cornea shape mapping display.

A measurement system by placidoring is used for measurement of cornea radius of curvature. Accurate measurement by all-round data of ten rings is assured. The rings have wide measurement ranges from 1.5 to 9.2mm in diameter.

In only 4 seconds, measured mapping data is displayed on the display screen of the unit. Additionally a memory of placidoring image is displayed, cornea shape mapping is displayed and overlaying mapping onto the anterior segment can be shown.

If an anomaly is detected with the cornea shape during measurement, a message will be displayed. Mapping can be measured without interruption during kerato data measurement when an anomaly is detected.

A TV monitor and video printer can be connected. An image can be zoomed on the monitor screen and a placidoring projection image of a measured eye can be printed out for an explanation and recording.


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