Importance of regular eye exam for Mid-Adults

Regular eye examination, at least once every two years is very vital for mid age adults (40 years – 60 years) as this may help these individuals detect changes in the eye and the entire body, which may not give any prior symptom but gradually destroy all body cells or tissues.

As an individual grows old, the cell in the body gradually begins to age and their function is no longer optimum which with time may lead to various diseases on the body, such as presbyopia, diabetes, glaucoma, hypertension etc.

The place of regular eye exam is a key to first diagnosing most of these conditions as they may fail to appear at younger ages when the body cells were still very active or the immune system was still functioning at optimal levels. Take for instance, an individual who has been living a life devoid of regular exercise and does not keep a proper eating habit, he or she has the tendency to become diabetic on the long run after crossing the age of 40 years; This condition may first give either symptoms of frequent change in reading glass prescription which a routine eye exam will reveal or can lead to fatty deposit within the eye that can to permanent loss of vision which can also be seen first during an eye exam by an optometrist.

In summary, the eye is a window of the body and any change in the body most times appears in the eye ranging from raised blood pressure or sugar to high cholesterol etc, hence regular eye examination for ages 40-60 years is very vital to maintain a healthy living.